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Horse Care

Equilox Hoof Support Blue 3 Lb
EQUILOX HOOF SUPPORT 2-part Polymer Impression Material - Regular Blue

Equilox Hoof Support Soft Pink 3 Lb
EQUILOX HOOF SUPPORT 2-part Polymer Impression Material - Soft Pink

Excalibur Sheath and Udder Cleaner for Horses
Non-irritating cleanser gently softens, loosens and removes accumulated body oils, dirt and debris from the sheath area of the male horse. Works q...
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Farrier's Formula Original
Comprehensive hoof supplement formulated to improve hoof quality. Pelleted nutritional supplement that contains nutrients for healthy dermal tissue...
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Gc Tip Retainer Nut (Pro Or Shortie)
TIP RETAINER NUT - Fits Grand Circuit Pro, Equilox I & II, Victory Hoof Life, Equibond, Grand Circuit Shortie, Equilox Stubbie, and similar pro...
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Hoof Crack Repair Kit (Brass)
HOOF CRACK REPAIR KIT - BRASS Includes two brass plates and SS screws.

Sound Horse Hoof Crack Suture Kit
Sound Horse Hoof Crack Suture Kit A single packet containing: 8 Stainless Sutures with SS Backing Plates(pre-threaded with four inch wire legs) 8 ...
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Kevin Bacon's Liquid Hoof Dressing
KEVIN BACON LIQUID HOOF DRESSING - 1 LITER - Made from 100% natural ingredients: bay leaves, vitamins, and animal fats. Can help to prevent thrush,...
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Hoof Packing R.A.T.E. Plus+ 1 Lb.
R.A.T.E. HOOF PACKING PLUS+ - 1LB "The Tacky Hoof Pack" Self-sealing hoof pack.

Hoof Poultice Pad
Animalintex hoof pads aids in wound healing and relief of minor stiffness and soreness.

Hoof Tite Adhesive & Hoof Builder
HOOF TITE ADHESIVE & HOOF BUILDER - 200ML - A versatile urethane product. Has a stronger bond and better density level than other urethane adhe...
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Impression Material
EDSS IMPRESSION MATERIAL - 1/2lb Soft Blue 3lb Soft Blue 1/2lb Regular Pink 3lb Regular Pink

Keratex Hoof Putty 200Gm
KERATEX HOOF PUTTY - A flexible wax containing slow release organic disinfectants for sealing horn seperator cavities. 200 g.

Leg Straps
Leg Strap - Red Nylon - 1 1/2" X 26" - For use with Shoeing Stocks. Comes with or without rope

Hooflex Magic Cushion Hoof Packing
Absorbine Hooflex Magic Cushion Hoof Packing – Starts working within one hour to reduce hoof heat. Proven to provide significant reduction in hoof ...
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Hooflex Magic Cushion Xtreme Hoof Packing
Absorbine Hooflex Magic Cushion Hoof Packing Xtreme – Provides faster, stronger relief than original Magic Cushion. Starts working within one hour ...
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Measuring Stick For Horse Height
Large Horse Measure Stick is made of ultra durable aluminum construction. Upright with high tensile strength sliding cross bar with level guarantee...
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Original M-T-G
Shapley's Original M-T-G is an easy-to-use, time-tested, veterinarian recommended solution to equine skin healing and hair growth, in a single bot...
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Nylon Strap For Shoeing Stocks
Leg Strap - Red Nylon - Narrow Strap 1" X 30" - For use with shoeing stocks

Quilted Leg Wraps
Poly-filled leg wraps with cotton broadcloth for injuries, strains and shipping. Machine washable and safe for the dryer.

Rain Maker Hoofointment
Advanced formula penetrates deep, attracts and helps retain moisture. Aids growth and elasticity. Helps prevent painful problems like cracks, split...
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Sandal-Temporary Hoof Cover
An alternative to the duct tape boot. Use for hoof abscess treatment, hoof poultice, or lost shoe. Durable enough for multiple uses. Sold each.

Sbs008-Thrush Stop 8 Oz
Kills bacteria, fungi, and yeast that cause thrush and other infections of the hoof wall, sole and frog. 8 fl. oz. concentrate.

White Lightning
Eliminates hoof rot, thrush, and white line disease on contact. Does not dry or attack healthy tissue.

White Lightning Wound & Skin Care
The newest member of the White Lightning family. Ideal for treatment of skin fungus, wounds, lacerations, abrasions, etc. NO mixing required! 8 oz.

Mane N Tail Mineral Ice Gel 16oz
Mane 'n Tail Mineral Ice pain relief gel aids in fast temporary relief of minor pain, heat, puffiness, body soreness, stiffness, minor aches and p...
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