Special Events

2023 Events

Annual Christmas SALE!

Saturday, December 2nd



 Annual Farrier Appreciation Day 

Saturday, April 22nd, 2023We would like to invite you to our 32ndAnnual Farrier Appreciation Day. This event is free to attend and we welcome you to bring your families along as well. 

This years clinic will be held on Saturday, April 22nd and is being sponsored by Hoofcare Essentials. Roy Bloom and Dave Farley will be the clinicians.

Join us at 8 am for registration, free coffee and donuts, and take some time to visit with vendors. Lunch will also be provided free of charge.

Please click here to register for your free T-Shirt and to help us plan for lunches and door prizes. Register Here

If you would like to be kept informed about the event as it approaches please click this link. 

Ordering & Special Pricing Breakdown:

All pre-orders (these orders need to be picked up at the farm either Friday or Saturday) for product sent in by April 1st will receive 12% off if paying with cash or check, credit card is 10% off. Pre-orders must be paid for by April 10th.

 By pre-ordering you can avoid having any back orders. We can't make this same guarantee on the day of the event due to extremely high order volume. Pre-orders will be packaged up and waiting for you in the red hay barn out back. 

Pre-orders placed in store or after April 1st qualify for 10% off with cash or check, credit card is 8%. Some exclusions do apply to larger items: ie, anvils. Pre-ordered items can not be picked up until the event.

No pre-orders, to be picked up in the barn, will be accepted the week of farrier's day. Please plan ahead so we can ensure your products are available and packed for you. Orders will be shrink wrapped on a pallet for your convenience unless you specify otherwise.








February 25th, 2023

Pat Broadus & Nick Denson

Attention Farriers:
We are super excited to announce that Pat Broadus and Nick Denson are coming back for Round #2. This clinic will be open to Round #1 participants first and then we will open it up to anyone else who may be interested. Limit of 10 people this round.

Maple Weekend

Saturday & Sunday, March 18th & 19th 2023

We will NOT be open for Maple Weekend. Check back again in 2024.


Events that were planned for Spring 2022 have been postponed due to the Covid-19 and the most recent Omicron variant. 

Fall events may still be posted. Stay Tuned!


March 23rd

Sheep & Goat Meeting


We would like to welcome you to our first Sheep and Goat Meeting, sponsored by Purina.

This clinic will cover topics from Deworming and First Aid to Nutrition Do's and Don'ts.

We will have local guest speaker Dr. Wes Chapin as well as Rusty Suher from Purina.

This clinic is Free to attend and all ages are welcome.

There will be feed coupons given to all attendees as well as a sale on all feed purchased that night.

Please click this ticket link to help us plan for refreshments and door prizes.
Feel free to call the store with any questions 603-332-3032.


April 18th

Annual Farrier Appreciation Day


We would like to invite you to our 31st Annual Farrier Appreciation Day. This event is free to attend and we welcome you to bring your families along as well. 

This years clinic will be held on Saturday, April 18th and is being sponsored by FPD. Hank Chisholm will be the clinician.

Join us at 8 am for registration, free coffee and donuts, and take some time to visit with vendors. Lunch will also be provided free of charge.

Please click here to register for your free T-Shirt and to help us plan for lunches and door prizes. Register Here

Ordering & Special Pricing Breakdown:

All pre-orders (these orders need to be picked up at the farm either Friday or Saturday) for product sent in by April 1st will receive 12% off if paying with cash or check, credit card is 10% off. Pre-orders must be paid for by April 15th.

 By pre-ordering you can avoid having any back orders. We can't make this same guarantee on the day of the event due to extremely high order volume. Pre-orders will be packaged up and waiting for you in the red hay barn out back. 

Pre-orders placed in store or after April 1st qualify for 10% off with cash or check, credit card is 8%. Some exclusions do apply to larger items: ie, anvils. Pre-ordered items can not be picked up until the event.

No pre-orders, to be picked up in the barn, will be accepted the week of farrier's day. Please plan ahead so we can ensure your products are available and packed for you. Orders will be shrink wrapped on a pallet for your convenience unless you specify otherwise.

Sponsor & Clinician Info:

FPD is sponsoring this years clinic. Hank Chisholm will be the clinician and we look forward to having him.



February 21th  -

Topline & Senior Feed discussion

Thursday... 7pm-9pm

Stay tuned for more information!


Wednesday, March 27th

Chick Days  7pm-9pm

This event is Free to attend and will cover the following topics:

Poultry Husbandry

Poultry Nutrition

Common Issues Effecting Eggs

This is a family friendly event. There will be door prizes drawn at the end.


Saturday, April 20th                                            

Annual Farrier Appreciation Day

Clinic is Sponsored by the American Association of Professional Farriers.

We are excited to welcome the president of the AAPF, Adam Wynbrandt as well as the president of the AFA, Travis Burns.

The SNEFA shoeing competition will be held on Friday, April 19th.

Stay tuned for more information!


Saturday, May 18th

Myler Bit Seminar

 Dale Myler is a world-renowned horseman recognized for his unique approach to bitting horses for tongue relief. Dale’s seminars and clinics are educational in scope, discussing general bit knowledge and showing how any bit works with the basic principles of anatomy and physiology. Dale has given seminars and clinics around the world, in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany. He has worked with riders and horses at every level and in all disciplines of equestrian sport, from Olympic riders and working with horses in the Royal Mews of England, down to the everyday pleasure rider.

Please register for this free event to help us plan accordingly.

Click Here to Register



 Customer Appreciation Day & Open House

Saturday, November 3rd

8am- 4pm

 Join us for our Annual Open House and Customer Appreciation Day. Stop by anytime between 8am & 4pm for Door Prizes, Raffles, Huge Sales, Contests and more!
Stay tuned to our event page by clicking this link. 

We will start posting Customer Appreciation Day Sales in September.

Saturday, April 21st                                            

Annual Farrier Appreciation Day

We welcome you to attend our 29th Annual Farrier Appreciation Day.

This event is free to attend and we welcome you to bring your families along as well. 

Join us at 8 am for registration, free coffee and donuts, and take some time to visit with vendors. Lunch will also be provided free of charge.

Please click here to register for your free T-Shirt and to help us plan for lunches and door prizes. Register Here

Ordering & Special Pricing Breakdown:

All pre-orders (these orders need to be picked up at the farm either Friday or Saturday) for product sent in by April 1st will receive 12% off if paying with cash or check, credit card is 10% off. Pre-orders must be paid for by April 15th unless paying with cash.

 By pre-ordering you can avoid having any back orders. We can't make this same guarantee on the day of the event due to extremely high order volume. Pre-orders will be packaged up and waiting for you in the red hay barn out back. 

Pre-orders placed in store or after April 1st qualify for 10% off with cash or check, credit card is 8%. Some exclusions do apply to larger items: ie, anvils. Pre-ordered items can not be picked up until the event.

No pre-orders, to be picked up in the barn, will be accepted the week of farrier's day. Please plan ahead so we can ensure your products are available and packed for you. Orders will be shrink wrapped on a pallet for your convenience unless you specify otherwise.

Sponsor & Clinician Info:

FPD is sponsoring this years clinic. Jake Engler, CJF will be the clinician and we look forward to having him.

Jake Engler, CJF

Jake grew up shoeing horses in the Houston, Texas area with his father Jeff Engler. He has managed a full-time horseshoeing business since 1989, consisting of eventers, hunters, jumpers and dressage horses. In 2001, Jake earned his CJF from the American Farrier’s Association and made the American Farriers Team in 2008, 2009 and again in 2014. At the Calgary Stampede in 2008 he earned Rookie of the Year and was a top ten finalist in 2008, 2009 and 2010. In 2010 he won Reserve World Champion at the Calgary Stampede and in 2011 and 2014 he was overall high point at the American Farrier's Association Convention. Jake and his team Cat 6 have proudly won the World Horseshoeing Classic in both 2014 and 2015. Currently Jake is participating in competitions in addition to judging and conducting clinics across the U.S. and internationally



Friday, April 21st

Meader's will be hosting the SNEFA Shoeing competition on Friday, April 21st. Stop by and watch the competition. This is free to attend if you are not competing! Class specifications are posted below.



Saturday, April 22nd

Annual Farrier Appreciation Day

We welcome you to attend our 28th Annual Farrier Appreciation Day.

This event is free to attend and we welcome you to bring your families along as well. 

Join us at 8 am for registration, free coffee and donuts, and take some time to visit with vendors. 

Free lunch will also be available at noon! Please click here to register for the day and help us plan for food, seating and freebies! 

All pre-orders (these orders need to be picked up at the farm either Friday or Saturday) for product sent in by April 1st will receive 12%off if paying with cash or check, credit card is 10%off. Pre-orders must be paid for by April 15th unless paying with cash.

 By pre-ordering you can avoid having any back orders. We can't make this same guarantee on the day of the event due to extremely high order volume. Pre-orders will be packaged up and waiting for you in the red hay barn out back. 

Pre-orders placed in store or after April 1st qualify for 10%off with cash or check, credit card is 8%. Some exclusions do apply to larger items: ie, anvils. This items can not be picked up until the event.

No orders to be picked up in the barn will be accepted the week of farrier's day. Please plan ahead so we can ensure your products are available and packed for you. Orders will be shrink wrapped on a pallet for your convenience unless you specify otherwise.

 Rusty Suher, from Purina will be on hand to discuss feeding for optimum hoof quality and to field questions.

Conrad Trow will be presenting a PowerPoint on shoeing the hind end of a sport horse followed by a shoeing demonstration and Q and A.

Conrad Trow, CJF has been shoeing since 1996 after graduating from Kentucky Horseshoeing School and returning to
South Africa where he served an apprenticeship under Andrew Timm. In 1999 he returned to KHS as a full-time instructor for
two years. He then taught part-time while establishing his own business in the Louisville area where he currently shoes eventers,
dressage horses, jumpers, racehorses and a few show hunters.
When working at KHS Conrad started competing nationally and went on to earn
numerous awards including winning the National Forging and Horseshoeing Competition’s 2 Person Draft Class 4 years in a row with his draft partner Craig Trnka, CJF.

In 2007 he was a member of the American Farriers Team and with his teammates won
the Draft Shoeing Class at the World Championships in Calgary.
Conrad served for 6 years as the AFT manager during which time he enjoyed getting
to know many great farrier competitors and passing down knowledge that he has
gained to new team members. In the last few years he has been in high demand as a
clinician in the US and Europe.

When Conrad is not working, competing, or giving clinics he enjoys time on his
farm with his wife, Crosby.

Click here to see the official event flyer.


Saturday, May 20th

Annual Open House Sale

- Nutrena Grain Sale


2017 Fall Clinics to be Announced





November 4th & 5th

Meader's will be hosting a hands on clinic for farriers. For more details click this link.

October 11th-15th

Meader's will be at the North American Belgian Championship at the Big E!

Stop by and see us, admission is free.


Nutrena Sale

Click this link for a coupon to use for $1.00 off every bag of feed! Nutrena Coupon

Upcoming Events:

May 21st 2016

Meader's Heritage Farm will be open to the public. The day is free to attend.

There will be demonstrations including:

  • How to correctly fit a saddle
  • How to safely fit harness to a horse
  • Basic in hand safety procedures
  • Equine Massage
  • Equine Dentistry
  • Natural Horsemanship
  • Horse plowing demonstrations
  • Safety techniques for hitch and unhitch single and teams
  • Braiding - all disciplines
  • Clipping
  • First Aid Basics for every horse owner

Options are limitless. If you want to see something demonstrated and know someone qualified have them give us a call 603-332-3032 x107.

The day will be filled with sales on all product in the store (exceptions are farrier related items, please see the event listed below this for information on sales related to farriers). Don't miss the huge tent sale as well on our mega sale items!

Dozens of vendors, manufacturers, local business, local organizations, equine facilities and others will be present for the day. Product demonstrations will be taking place throughout the day as well.

Attendees will be given a free ticket for the day! Lots of freebies and door prizes will be awarded throughout the day, no purchase necessary.

If you would like to attend please click this link to register.  https://meadersupply.com/products/open-house-2016


April 21st, 22nd, & 23rd- 2016

Meader's is excited to announce our 27th annual Farrier's Day Event for 2016. This years clinic is sponsored by the AAPF/IAPF and the educational partners. Clinicians Roy Bloom and Tom Willoughby will be joining us for 3 DAYS!

Please be sure to click the ticket URL above to select your free shirt size and to let us know you will be attending so that we can get enough food

All pre-orders (these orders need to be picked up at the farm during the three day event) for product sent in by April 1st will receive 12%off if paying with cash or check, credit card is 10%off. If you would like a pre-order packet please email meader@meadersupply.com and let us know. If you already know what you need you may also email orders in to meader@meadersupply.com. By pre-ordering you can avoid having any back orders. We can't make this same guarantee on the day of the event due to extremely high order volume.

Pre-orders placed in store or after April 1st qualify for 10%off with cash or check, credit card is 8%. Some exclusions do apply to larger items: ie, anvils. This items can not be picked up until the event.

SNEFA (Southern New England Farrier's Association) will be joining us to kick off our three day event with their Spring shoeing competition. The AAPF/IAPF has agreed to sponsor the judges for this clinic, Roy Bloom and Tom Willoughby. The shoeing competition will be held on Thursday, April 21st.

For information about registering for the competition please visit the SNEFA website by clicking on this link http://www.snefa.org/
Spectators are very welcome and may watch at no charge. This is a great learning experience for anyone that may be interested in competing at a later date but are not sure they are ready.

The class list is listed below:

Forging Class 1
Division 1            Make 1 square toe hind, well squared. Plain stamped, 6 nails-4E. Quarter clips.
                                10 ½ X 3/8 X ¾.
Division 2            Make 1 pair square toe hinds, well squared. Fullered, 7 nails-5 city. Quarter clips.
                                10 ½ X 3/8 X ¾.
Division 3            Make 1 pair Lateral support hinds, bold toe. Fullered, 7 nails-6E. Quarter clips.
                                11 X 3/8 X 1. Shoe #90 in the book.
Forging Class 2
Division 1            Make 1 egg bar, Plain stamped, 6 nails-4E. Rocker Toe, with toe clip.
                                14 X 3/8 X ¾.
Division 2 and Division 3
                                Make a pair of egg bars, fullered, 7 nails-5 city, Rocker toe with toe clip.
                                14 X 3/8 X ¾.
Forging Class 3
Division 1            Make a pair of fronts, Fullered, 6 nails-5 city. 11 X 3/8 X ¾.
Division 2            Make a pair of hinds, fullered, 7 nails-5 city. 11 X 3/8 X ¾.
Division 3            Make 1 Roadster Front, fullered from heel to heel, 7 nails-6E. 10 X ½ X 1.
                                Shoe #114 in the book
                                Make 1 Roadster Hind, plain stamped, 6 nails-6E. 10 X ½ X 1.
                                Shoe #116 in the book.
 Live Shoeing
Division 1            Shape keg shoes to front and hind. Toe clips front and hind.
Division 2 and Division 3
                                Appropriate stock, plain stamped,6 nails-4E. Toe clips front, quarter clips hind.
Division 3 specimen
                                Aluminum swelled heel front, fullered,6 nails-5 city. Toe insert to be made from ¼ round. 11 X 3/8 X 1.                Shoe #8 in the book.

 Big Blu will be joining us on Friday, April 22nd for a fun filled day dedicated to blacksmithing with Roy Bloom and Tom Willoughby. We can't believe you haven't heard of these legendary guys but, if you haven't, feel free to look them up on Facebook. They will not dissapoint!

Saturday, April 23rd is our annual Farrier Appreciation Day. The day is filled with clinics that will be led by Roy and Tom as well as dozens of vendors, freebies, doorprizes, raffles, and a silent auction to benefit the AAPF/IAPF Farrier Assistance Program. Vendors will also have a chance to demo new and exciting products!!

All three days, Thursday the 21st, Friday the 22nd, and Saturday the 23rd are FREE to attend thanks to the education partners of the AAPF/IAPF. Meader's is proud to be one of these partners!

Free Coffee and Donuts will be provided as well as lunch for all three days. Free T-shirts, goody bags, and thanks to Exim Rasps each person in attendance will receive one of their newly revamped MaxCut Rasps.

We have a number of rooms reserved at the Holiday Inn Express located on Rte 11 in Rochester, NH. 03867 only minutes from the farm. They can be reached at 603-994-1175, room rates are $69 a night.

If you have any questions or are looking for some extra information please do not hesitate to call or email us here at Meader's and we would be happy to assist you. 1-800-446-7737.

Life Data Clinic January 22nd & 23rd, 2015- Life Data will be joining Meader Supply at 23 Meaderboro Road Rochester, NH for an informative clinic on some of Life Data's most useful and successful products! Life Data is based out of Cherokee, Alabama, where they conduct research, manufacture their products, and provide product support to their customers. Life Data's products are true American Made items that Meader Supply is happy to show off on our shelves! With this clinic we would like to help educate the general public on ways they can better provide for their horses!

Two products that will be shown are Barn Bag and Farrier Formula

Barn Bag is great for balancing your horses diet and preventing over supplementation. Barn Bag is for all adult horses from your easy keepers to your work horses, your insulin resistant horses, and your metabolic syndrome horses! Barn Bag is a low calorie and low starch supplement that provides your horse with a daily fixed amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids. These are things that are commonly missing from the average equine forage diet. Unlike compounded feeds Barn Bag allows you, the horse owner, to feed calories separately from nutrients! Barn Bag commonly eliminates the need to feed grains while also preventing the harmful effects of over or under supplementation.

Farrier Formula is a pelleted hoof supplement that provides nutrients such as phospholipids, omega fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and important amino acid "protein building blocks". These nutrients enable horses to build strong connective tissue proteins important for healthy hoof structure and growth. Farrier's Formula can help with your horses quarter cracks, toe cracks, sand cracks, brittle hoof wall, and even hoof wall separation. Farrier's Formula has even proved effective with helping horses with thin soft soles that are susceptible to sudden lameness from bruising, and horses recovering from laminitis or founder whose cohesive bond between the outer hoof wall and the coffin bone has been damaged! Farrier's Formula goes even further to promote a glossy more deeply colored coat and strengthened connective tissues of all joints and ligaments. Farrier's Formula is doping free and can be fed to competition horses!

If either of these products, or the Life Data Labs Company peak your interest then this event will be one for you! You can join us during any of the sessions on the 22nd and 23rd, but make sure to reserve your FREE spot now before they run out, by clicking here!

Delta Mustad Open House September 28th, 2015- Al Hayden will be in the store to answer questions, discuss product, and review new upcoming products. Delta will be providing lunch so come stop by Monday the 28th!

Chris Gregory Clinic October 23rd & 24th 2015. The 23rd will be a private clinic where 15 farriers will have the opportunity to work one on one with Chris. This clinic is reserved for professional farriers. If interested please call or email to sign up.

The 24th will be an open clinic where the public can come enjoy watching Chris create different works of art through blacksmithing. Reservations are ideal and the entry will be $10 per person, the entry fee  includes coffee and donuts for breakfast and a pizza lunch with drinks and chips supplied. Purchase tickets online by typing "CLINIC" into the search bar above.

 "This event has been approved for 14 American & Canadian Associations of Professional Farriers (AAPF/CAPF) Continuing Education Credits.  For more information visit their website - www.ProfessionalFarriers.com"


Black Friday Sale 11/27/2015 *The Day After Thanksgiving*- This will be our second annual Black Friday sale! Our first B.F. Sale was 2014 and it was a hit! It is a great time to get some Christmas shopping done and get your winter barn needs taken care of at a great price. With drawings and raffles for great prizes there is something for everyone! 


Paige Poss 12/12/2015- Hoof Anatomy Clinics- 

My Hoof Anatomy Clinics are geared towards anyone involved with horses.    

This is a confidence building clinic.  

See what the hoof is built around:

  • see the lamina and sole corium
  • see the digital cushion and lateral cartilage
  • look at sole thickness and concavity
  • various coffin bones
  • compare toe length and coffin bone placement in various hooves
  • see how the heels and bars grow

I start the day with anatomy, but then cover the basics of trimming.

This clinic format helps anyone 

  1. see distortion in the hoof capsule
  2. recognize hoof balance with or without shoes
  3. understand certain lamenesses better
  4. learn about frog and wall issues

Current Events:

Custom Rasps
Have you ever wanted to design your own rasp; one that is made to your specifications? You now have that chance with “MyHeller.” You can customize your own Heller rasp by choosing your own rasp side, your own finish side, your own tang color, and you can even add your name or logo! Check it out at http://myhellerrasp.com/us/ and please pick Meader Supply as your dealer!

Past Events:


First Tack Open House in almost a decade- Meader's opened there doors to the public for a store wide sale on May 23rd! It was not the scale that open houses were here at one time but it was a nice way to start. Customers were able to enjoy taking there time familiarizing them selves with the 1,000 new items on the shelves. We had some great discussion on harness types and fittings. Best of all we had time to see so many of you that are normally customers we ship to. Open house 2016 is in progress and we will release details soon!

26th Annual Farrier Appreciation Day- April 24th & 25th-  This was the first year that we extended the educational opportunity a full day. Meader's teamed up with the American Association of Professional Farriers and it's education partners to sponsor this event. Friday participants were able to work one on one with Bob Pethick improving their shoe shaping and forging skills. Saturday's event was the largest on record drawing hundreds of farriers and adding 6 new vendors to the growing list that attend each year. Dave Dawson and Bob Pethick did and outstanding job and were well received by everyone.


25th Annual Farrier Appreciation Day  -  April 26, 2014  - We had a few April Showers for our event this year, but that did not keep everyone from coming out to enjoy all of the fun! Our sponsor this year was Delta Mustad Hoofcare Center and the clinician was Jeff Pauley from North Carolina. Jeff’s clinic was very well received and kept everyone’s attention, even right through one of the break times! All proceeds from the raffle this year went to the UpReach Therapeutic Riding program in Goffstown, NH. Thank you to everyone who attended as well as to all of our vendors who donated doorprize and raffle items and who had tables at our trade show. We had a great turnout and it was nice to be able to see everyone. 

Draft Animal Power Field Days, September 28 and 29, 2013 - We were pleased to have a space at this year’s Field Days event in Barton, VT. There was beautiful weather all weekend and a great turnout. Both days were full of informative workshops, equipment demonstrations, vendors, and much more. Doc Hammill was the featured speaker for the weekend. See the Photo Album page for photos from this year’s event.

24th Annual Farrier Appreciation Day, April 27, 2013 - Once again, we had a beautiful day and great attendance for our annual event. Our clinician this year was Mike Wildenstein, and his clinic was very well received. Thank you to FPD for sponsoring the event, and to all of the other vendors who attended and donated door prizes. All proceeds from the Silent Auction and Raffle were given to Farsteads of New England. Thank you to all who came and made the day a great success!

Hammer-in: Farriers and friends joined together for an evening of forges and hot iron. Many stories were shared and fun was had by all.

23rd Annual Farrier Appreciation Day- This year’s event was held on April 28th. The weather was beautiful, although the wind made it a little challenging to enjoy lunch outside at the picnic tables! The breezy conditions didn’t affect the clinic, however, which was held in the large mechanics garage as usual. Our clinician this year was Mark Milster, CJF from Oklahoma. He presented a very informative and well-received clinic with live shoeing and forging.

We had a great turnout once again and enjoyed seeing all of our regular customers as well as some new ones. Special thanks to Delta Mustad Hoofcare for sponsoring the event. Thank you also to our many vendors who came out for the day to display their products and speak with our customers. The Silent Auction this year benefited Live and Let Live, a non-profit rescue for horses located here in NH.

Thank you to all of those who attended our event this year. If you were not able to attend, make plans now to attend next year on the last Saturday of April!

22nd Annual Farrier Appreciation Day was held on Saturday, April 30, 2011. We had a beautiful day for the event, and about 150 farriers from all over New England and beyond came to enjoy the day. We would like to extend our thanks to Delta Mustad Hoofcare Center for sponsoring this year’s event. We would also like to thank all of the other vendors who were able to attend and share their products with our farriers.

Austin Edens from Texas was our clinician this year, and gave a great presentation on shoeing sport horses. While our clinicians in the past traditionally shoe one horse in the afternoon session, Austin was able to live-shoe two horses during the event, which the farriers in attendance enjoyed. The whole event was a great success and we wish to thank all who attended. Please plan on joining us next year on the last Saturday in April for our next Farrier Appreciation Day.

21st Annual Farrier Appreciation Day was held on Saturday, April 24, 2010. We would like to thank Farrier Product Distribution (FPD) for sponsoring this year’s event. Clinician Doug Workman, CJF, gave a great presentation on the topic of “Shoeing for Form, Function, and No Pressure.” We would also like to thank all of the other vendors who were able to attend this year to display their products and visit with our farriers.

We had a great turnout again this year, and would like to thank all who attended the event and made it a success! Please plan on joining us next year on the last Saturday in April for our next Farrier Appreciation Day.