Perfect Prep EQ Training Day

$ 60.45

Perfect Prep EQ Training Day is ideal for daily use to stabilize blood sugar levels, relax muscles, slow the heart rate, and diminish reactivity so that your horse "leaves his stall focused and ready to work every day.” Offered in a daily powder, 1 or 2 scoops per day will noticeably improve your horse's attitude both on the ground and under saddle. Show Safe. Contains no prohibited substance

 Pre-Event Level: For maximum effect feed 2, one-ounce scoops morning and night, beginning 48 hours before the targeted activity. Some horses respond better with an additional 2 scoops 3 hours before your event. Adjust for effect.


Maintenance Level: Feed 2, one-ounce scoops of Training Day formula twice daily for 2 days. Reduce to find optimum maintenance level. Each scoop delivers one ounce.


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