Let's ring in the New Year with a 24 hour flash sale!
Sale is valid through 12-31-2023.
You can choose to save 10% off your order or get free shipping. Coupon codes can not be combined. All sales, during the flash sale, are final. Minimum purchase of $100 is needed for the codes to be valid. Our site does not guarantee that any items are in stock, sale will not be extended to out of stock items to be shipped at a later date. If you have purchased an item that is out of stock we will reach out to you on the next business day, in this case, Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024. Codes can not be redeemed for cash or an account credit. Do to higher volume then usual sale purchases may not ship on the first business day but we will do our best to get them shipped as soon as possible.
Click on the code you wish to use below.
10% off code : 2024-10%
free shipping : 2024FREE
Thank you & Happy New Year!
~ The team at Meader's