Back on Track Royal Quick Wraps

$ 93.00

The Back on Track Royal Quick Wraps are a favorite among horse owners. Leveraging our Welltex® Technology, these all-in-one standing bandages may decrease swelling and help keep your horse’s legs cool and tight. Our state-of-the-art Welltex® material uses the horse’s own body energy to create a soothing infrared effect, allowing for increased blood circulation and relaxed muscles, tendons, joints, and ligaments. The Royal Quick wraps can be used for both injury prevention and recovery. These wraps can be left on overnight (after the initial introductory period) after a strenuous ride and can also be used when shipping your horse. They are great for both the front and hind legs and measure equal in size.

Just below knee or hock to pastern (K) 10″ 12″ 14″ 16″ 18″

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