Equi-Spot Fly Control

$ 21.65
  • Defends the health and comfort of the horse!
  • EPA-approved to protect against these diseases:
  • Kills and repels ticks that may transmit Lyme disease
  • Kills and repels stable and face flies that may cause summer sores
  • Fights mosquitoes that may transmit West Nile Virus
  • Weatherproof formula won't sweat off, protects for up to 14 days
  • Ideal for pastured horses
  • Convenient to use
  • EPA-approved application for maximum coverage and efficacy

Equi-Spot - Spot-on formula protects horses from ticks, flies, gnats, and mosquitoes. Kills and repels ticks that may transmit Lyme disease. Kills and repels stable and face flies that may cause summer sores. Fights mosquitoes that may transmit West Nile Virus. Equi spot also kills and repels house flies, horn flies and eye gnats. Weatherproof formula won't sweat off, protects for  up to 14 days. Ideal for pastured horses and when owners can't be there to spray their horses every day. 

Most effective when applied such that it can spread over the largest portion of the horses's body body surface possible. For target areas in each Defense Zone.

Directions: Apply one 10 ml applicator as follows - For optimum effectiveness, apply one spot to each location pictured in diagram on package. Apply for both the right and left sides of horse. Use all product in applicator. Do not reapply for 2 weeks. Not for use on foals under 12 weeks of age.

Contains 45% permethrin.

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