"Feed Your Horse Like A Horse" Book
By Juliet M. Getty. Ph.D.
Feed Your Horse Like A Horse is a 484-page reference book equally valuable for the equine science student, the large-scale breeder, the frequent competitor, and the recreational horseman (and anyone else with a horse's well-being at heart).
What to feed, how to feed, and when -- conventional wisdom used to dictate the answer: Toss out a flake of "good quality" hay and hope the for best.
These days, though, advances in nutritional research, evolving horse-keeping practices, disappearing pasture land, and increasingly sophisticated veterinary knowledge make the horse owner's feed decisions highly complex. For some it can be daunting, but for equine nutritionist Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D., the changing horse-scape creates an exciting opportunity to optimize the nutritional profile of every horse.
Dr. Getty's goal in writing this book is to help horse owners like you decide the best feeding method for your horse. She makes recommendations on what to feed, but also wants you to know why a specific feedstuff or nutrient is important.
Feed Your Horse Like A Horse is one reference book you'll reach for again and again. It will not collect dust on your shelf!