Vermont Blend PRO

$ 97.01


Vermont Blend PRO provides the same nutrients as the original Vermont Blend but with additional digestive support in a smaller serving.

Ingredients: Salt, L-Lysine, Magnesium Oxide, DL-Methionine, Selenium Yeast, Copper Amino Acid Complex (organic copper), L-Threonine, Zinpro 120 (organic zinc), Biotin 2%, Organic Iodine, Yea-Sacc Extra, Bio-Mos2, Anise.

Safe for broodmares, weanlings through adults, mules and donkeys. FEI show safe.

Safe for broodmares, weanlings through adults, mules and donkeys. FEI show safe.

No scoop included. Use standard 1/4th measuring cup as a scoop. 1/4th measuring cup provides approximately two ounces by weight.

Introduce gradually.

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