Probios Dispersible Powder

$ 94.95

Probios Dispersible Powder – Helps establish and maintain intestinal well-being in calves, lambs and foals. Complements current feeding program. Each gm contains not less than 10 million CFU lactic acid bacteria. Dosage: Foals, calves, lambs - 5 gms (1 tsp) per head/day in milk replacer; Adult horses - 10-15 gms per head/day in ration. Repeat as needed. Tsp scoop included. Also labeled for swine, goats, pets and small animals; see label for additional dosages.

This product may be suitable for use on organic farms. Please confirm with your certifier before using.

Probios gel is a live microbiotic gel given orally to help establish and maintain beneficial intestinal bacteria. Especially important for foals at birth to maintain normal fecal consistency. Stimulates appetite and aids digestion.

Dosages: foals-10 gm at birth and day 4, horses-15 gm at foaling; following therapy or during training, transport or digestive upset.

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